
Expert in biomedical optics Dr. Panomsak Meemon came to Peru to collaborate with GIBIO

November 18, 2023
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Dr. Panomsak Meemon is an expert in biomedical optics and biophotonics. Dr. Panomsak has a bachelor in Electrical engineering at Chiang Mai University, Thailand and he earned a PhD degree in optics at University of Central Florida, USA. He is the head of School of Physics at Suranaree University of Technology in Thailand. Dr. Panomsak visited to PUCP from 13 to 17 of November 2023 to collaborate with GIBIO research group thanks to the DARI financial support. Dr. Fernando Zvietcovich invited to him to participate in GIBIO research projects to develop an optical coherence tomography with elastrography.

“The main purpose is to collaborate in the construction of the optical coherence tomography (OCT) system here and explore other possibilities of collaboration. In addition, I would also like to explore the possibility of student or staff exchange between Thailand and PUCP.”

Dr.  Panomsak Meemon

During his stay at PUCP, Dr. Panomsak conducted a seminar titled "From principles to practice: an insight into optical coherence tomography and its assembly" for the master's programs in applied physics and the doctoral programs in engineering. Additionally, the students and thesis candidates of the GIBIO group were able to show him their progress in their respective research projects, obtaining valuable advice and suggestions.

This visit not only represents an opportunity to learn about the work of an outstanding expert in the field but also highlights the importance of research and innovation in crucial areas for health, such as the early detection of eye diseases. For more information about the visit of Dr. Panomsak feel free to click on here.